About the Journal

COUNT: Journal of Accounting, Business and Management firstly was published in 2023.  COUNT: Journal of Accounting, Business and Management has electronic ISSN: 3026-6130 

Count means to count. The purpose of this journal is to publish research results on a calculated basis in the world of accounting, business and management.

Every year COUNT: Journal of Accounting, Business and Management publishes articles for four issues in January, April, July and October. COUNT: Journal of Accounting, Business and Management publishes manuscripts in the various topics include Marketing, Management, Finance Management, Strategic Management, Operation Management,

Human Resource Management, E-business, Knowledge Management, Corporate Governance, Management Information System, International Business, Business Ethics and Sustainability, Entrepreneurship, Islamic management, Islamic Banking, Islamic Marketing, Islamic Human Resources, Islamic Finance. At that time, the editorial staff of COUNT: Journal of Accounting, Business and Management is led by Fahruddin, M.Pd.

Editorial staff COUNT: Journal of Accounting, Business and Management is located in by Fahr Publishing at Pulutan RT 66 Pendowoharjo Sewon Bantul Yogyakarta Indonesia 55185, Phone. +6285647181949. Email: cakrudin.cool@gmail.com.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): July: COUNT: Journal of Accounting, Business and Management
Published: 2025-02-01


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