About the Journal

Smart: Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational firstly was published in 2023.  Smart: Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational has electronic ISSN: 3025-3497

Every year Smart: Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational publishes articles for four issues in February, May, August and November. The range of carried studies in the publication includes Early Childhood Education Programs, Elementary School Education, Language and Literature Education, Social and Humanities, Law and Citizenship, Natural Science and Technology, Art and Design. At that time, the editorial staff of Smart: Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational is led by Fahruddin, M.Pd.

Editorial staff Smart: Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational is located in by Fahr Publishing at Pulutan RT 66 Pendowoharjo Sewon Bantul Yogyakarta Indonesia 55185, Phone. +6285647181949. Email: cakrudin.cool@gmail.com.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): May: Smart: Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational
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